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“I Wait Only For . . . “: ACMHE Pre-Conference Contemplative Writing Session

I will be leading a pre-conference contemplative writing session at this year’s ACMHE Fall Conference, “Radicalizing Contemplative Education: Compassion, Intersectionality, and Justice in Challenging Times.”  You can read more about the conference here:

Here’s a short description of the session:

Using the last line of Norman Fischer’s interpretive translations of Psalm 27, “I wait only for you,” we’ll inquire into our experiences of waiting. What/who do we wait for? Where do we wait? What do we experience as we wait? We’ll use contemplative/reflective writing practices to description and explore our experiences of waiting. We may also conclude with a collaborative piece of writing on our experiences of waiting. Bring something to write with and something to write on/in.

I hope to see some of you at the conference!